I've a strange sense of forboding. I have so far created three websites - all of which I have completely failed to maintain past the first week. The first I created when I was 16. It was very poor, but what can you expect at 16? In 1997? I didn't have much of an agenda for it, I simply thought having a website would be great, but alas, it wasn't.
The second, '' was the result of one random night, where a couple of friends and I travelled to Bournemouth at 2a.m. to paddle about in the English Channel and bury Gwilym in the sand.

Gwilym buried in the sand
We vowed after this to have more random nights and I would document them in the afforementioned website. There were no more random nights (except one which wasn't very random - we planned it) and it took me eight months to get the website up. I never updated it.
My final effort was a website to promote my own work, which never got past a logo on the front page.
So, why have I a strange sense of forboding? Well, I wonder if this blog will ever make it past the first week and be the first site I've managed to maintain. It's not that I'm lazy (although that is true), it's more discipline in documenting thoughts. Now, this isn't meant to be a diary, but the documentation of thoughts is similar. I have never kept a diary, but I wonder if this experience will bring out some hidden truths, or if I'll discover things about myself that I've never known. I like to think so.
The second, '' was the result of one random night, where a couple of friends and I travelled to Bournemouth at 2a.m. to paddle about in the English Channel and bury Gwilym in the sand.

Gwilym buried in the sand
We vowed after this to have more random nights and I would document them in the afforementioned website. There were no more random nights (except one which wasn't very random - we planned it) and it took me eight months to get the website up. I never updated it.
My final effort was a website to promote my own work, which never got past a logo on the front page.
So, why have I a strange sense of forboding? Well, I wonder if this blog will ever make it past the first week and be the first site I've managed to maintain. It's not that I'm lazy (although that is true), it's more discipline in documenting thoughts. Now, this isn't meant to be a diary, but the documentation of thoughts is similar. I have never kept a diary, but I wonder if this experience will bring out some hidden truths, or if I'll discover things about myself that I've never known. I like to think so.